Random - contemporary painter

Random sells paintings online


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As a good son of an opera singer I approached art and music when I was still in my stomach, I grew up with that of the 60/70/80 / and 90s up to nowadays. I write, compose, sing, create graphics and paintings and I deal with photo / audio / video productions and post productions, I participated in the Saint Vincent Festival arriving in the semi-final and then I opened my own independent brand called Abacò which deals with Audio / Video / Photo / Graphics Productions. In the metropolitan city of Milan I performed with my new solo project under the pseudonym of Random as Artist, Singer and Producer at Byblos, Old Fashion, Cost, Le Trottoir, Athmos Cafè, Dazio Art Cafè and Legend Club for Emergenza Festival arriving in the semifinals and I participated in the Special Sanremo 2019 program, winning the award for Best Emerging Artist. I have recorded two discs and made various graphics, logos and paintings, at the moment I am working on my third musical project called "Mac E Suono Rap".

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I have been working with fashion and entertainment agencies since the age of 16, I have been writing songs since I was 12 and in 2012 I finally opened my brand Abacò with which I started working in the field of integrated communication, graphics, fashion, entertainment, music, art and events. Visit my YouTube channel Abacò Produzioni to see all the works I have done, share my songs and subscribe to the channel. Thanks to everyone for your attention, a hug and a greeting ...

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The paintings on sale of the contemporary painter Random

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