If every artistis considered to be representativeof this time , Roberto Guglielmino proves that he is an acute interpreter , on occasion expressing a keen wit about the times in which he has been called to live in . Expressed in his art , the components are summed up and then broken down into a tribute to the world of science . Aspects of the human mind are also shifted onto the canvas by means of a semiotic – tonal language that gives expression to the tensions of the great historical currents that revolutionised the world of art , and painting in particular , throughout the twentieth century . Painting for the piedmontese artist is therefore synonymous with dialogue ; a dialogue developed between both himself and contemporary society as a whole over several years , through which a deeper understanding of himself leads to trying to understand the compulsions , neuroses , longings , fears , aspirations , dreams and hopes that distinguish society today , more complex and detailed than ever before . Herein lies the essence of each one of Guglielmino's paintings . Havin chosen typically informal parameters to bring his vision to life , Guglielmino creates sublime moods and sensations , which would otherwise be difficult to achieve , through the use of chromatic colours . This is to be seen in its various forms in the intelligibility of works like " Psyche " , " Gold , Happyness ....Hell " , " Gravity " , " Psycological Labyrint " , " The Challeng ", " The Powe of Silence " and " Reaching the Soul ", which all have the ability to communicate , to stigmatize , to invent , to describe , to evoke memories and to interpret the components of entire human communities , which transcend any sort of stereotyping , from very personal , original and interesting angles . The imaginative mergence that results from this is like a kind of pure code of interpretive expression , where he is able to identify everything that gravitates within the perceptual and emotional range of his craft by means of an astute , reasoned and careful placing of colour . E m p i r i c i s m and p s y c o l o g y c o h a b i t in Roberto Guglielmino's art . He reworks imaginative re – interpretations of what exists in any given moment in the human sphere ; transforming into art visions of all that people of 21 century cannot perceive or are reluctant to see in different ways . Professor Enzo Nasillo , Critics , Journalist and Editor .