quadri in vendita online - Affinity



Meaning of Abstract arts in my opinion , Abstract paintings are different to understand if you have no artistic eyes .

Courtesy Roberto Fradale

Artist Roberto Fradale is one of the most amazing abstraction artist .

that I love his abstract pieces of art.

long time ago for me abstract arts was meaningless but when I became an artist I realized to be an abstract artist its not so easy ..

On the chatting that I had with Roberto Fradale he said that " Every painting is a representation of a mood through the irrational use of color"

Hum.. He is right in this point .

Abstract paintings are a lot harder to understand than representational paintings. Indeed, when you look at an abstract painting, you often have no idea what it is you are actually seeing.

Understanding abstract art is not easy at all because pieces of abstract arts requires an artistic eyes and an open mind and a big imagination and understanding the artist .

When you look at the Roberto Fradale abstract paintings, what do you see? Well , you will see form, color, line, texture, pattern, composition and process.

These are the formal qualities of artwork, because they describe what the art looks like and how it is created. Abstract art is an exploration of these formal qualities and Meaning is derived from how these formal qualities are used to create a visual experience.

They have designs, shapes or colors that do not looks like specific physical objects.

indeed to realize the Roberto Fradale paintings , we need to have an artistic eyes and open mind to get the idea of the artist..

I share the most amazing painting of Roberto Fradale that is unbelievably stunning and pieces of superfine arts in the world.

Roberto Fradale I am big fan of you my dear friend and I am proud of you.

Affinity painting is stunning and superfine arts piece . I do not know what kind the moody you were on that time , but your mood was great , that's why you made this stunning piece of art.

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