L'Albero della Vita

di Fabio Meneghella

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We've always seen a lot of things about the tree of Life and, in everything, there has been a main thought: without that tree, we couldn't live. It's Life. But it's also love, meeting, soul, family: this is us, who become trees and we know where to grow. There was this artwork that changed the way to look at that tree and transformed it into what we actually never dared to assert.

The truth is that, 'L'albero della vita' by Fabio Meneghella', is a colored book: we need to browse his pages, while we try to give an artificial punch to those who try to harm us. Artificial because, like a bionic arm, we abandon our nature to search something that goes beyond: we abandon all fears, moments of crying, pains and We hunt everything around us. Our face is serene, almost happy, but it is also impatient. About what? To find out what would happen if we had the strength to let go and resist evil: to let go, overwhelmed by everything that happens, and by that tree that swallows our thoughts. The muscles are strong, but what are we? Just a man who seeks the power to be strong, and to fight against everything and everyone. Above all to fight against that tree, which remains behind him to watch over it and to exist despite everything. Fabio Meneghella's work is a light, almost transparent work too but which, with an inexplicable force, conveys what he would not have the courage to say in words. It's a warning to our thoughts, our fears and, why not, our frailties. To impotence, but also to courage. To life itself, made of branches and leaves: made above all of roots, from which we are born and from which we cannot escape. Not even if we wanted to.

Dr Stefania Meneghella

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