Madame Butterfly's lunchtime

di Mairon Almeida Mairon

quadri in vendita online - Madame Butterfly's lunchtime


Madame Butterfly's lunchtime

size length 32 cm / height 36 cm

This is a work made in 2020 but is only now available for sale.

This is one of the few collages I made in my entire career. In fact, I'm thinking about investing more in this type of work.

I made a plate out of recycled paper, let it dry and then began working with different paints. acrylic, oil, latex. later I made a collage with various clippings from different media.]

the result was fascinating. I still have other collage works in my private collection. I liked the result.

This work will be coated in anti-fungal varnish with UVA and UVB protection.

It will be shipped with a black anti-reflective glass frame

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