di Emelly Velasco

quadri in vendita online - RED ASTRAL UTERUS


Red Astral is a series of artworks that explode with the energy and passion of the color red. Each piece radiates life force, conveying a sense of power and intensity. 

Red dominates the canvas, capturing the eye and the heart with its vibrant astral presence.

With RED ASTRAL Emelly Velasco establishes an artistic movement, MAMA-Movement acronym is Metaphysical Abstract Menstrual Art where she suggests a deep connection with the inner being calling to the feminine experience, the expression and manipulation of the traditional medium, obeying the emotion by applying menstrual blood in a very selective collection process and letting the menstrual blood take its movement with little or no guidance through the canvas covering, highlighting or the organic medium being the message itself.

Check out the exhibition video here

#astratto #femminilitá

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