Daniel Espen - pittore contemporaneo

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Daniel Espen

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Born in the year 1984 Espen studied piano with M°Riccardo Bettini graduating in 2006 with bachelor degree with the highest votes cum laude from “Luca Marenzio” conservatoire in Brescia. He continued his studies in piano with M° Gerardo Chimini at the same conservatoire where he completed his Master degree the highest vote cum laude. Espen started to study composition under the guidance of M° Giancarlo Facchinetti and he took the bechelor degree from Parma's conservatoire “Arrigo Boito” with M° Luca Tessadrelli with top of his class. He studied violin and drawing with M° Elena Allegretti Camerini. In 2007, as one of the best students of “Libera Accademia di Belle Arti” in Brescia, Espen obtained Erasmus shoolarship for “Theatre Design” in “University of Art and Design” (UCE) in Birmingham, U.K. He completed his master degree in Set Design and Theatre Direction with top of his class.

During the years 2013 and 2014 he won several international composers competitions. His First Prize aword at the second edition of the “David Maria Turoldo” in Rovato (Brescia). His quartet “Danza Visionaria” was selected among the top ten quartets at the “Seattle composer Alliance First International Competition” in the United States of America. Third prize at International Composer Competition “Ilaria Rambaldi” in Chieti, Italy. The Second Prize at the international competition “Busan Maru International Music Festival in South Corea with the score “Stabat Mater” for mix choir and orchestra.

From 2006 he is very active as concert pianist in Italy and abroad for several musical associations.

In 2015 he recorded the Cd “Archetipi” (Archetype) where he performed contemporary piano music composed by Luca Tessadrelli and himself.

Email [email protected]

Website: www.espendaniel.com

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