di Robert Guglielmino

quadri in vendita online - MAGMATIC PEAKS



The desire of every artist who yearns to define themselves in such terms and on the basis of this denomination wants to be considered as such , should identify the element and the main source from which they draw their inner strenght and self - realization in the act of creation , as well as the their own raison d'etre . It is well said that it fits the image and the work of Roberto Guglielmino , which blend togheter in a symbiotic way where the first draws lifeblood from the second and which is then transformed into a set of symbolic forms through the expressive power of its creator . " Magmatic Peaks " is the volcanic metaphor of a concept of life that for Guglielmino means to symbiotically bring togheter that what he is able to generate , which then regenerates , taking it to new heights and reaching the highest peaks . Enzo Naillo

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