Enter the world above
The fragility of the dry pastel and the definition of the colored pencil capture the essence of life.
Entering in the world of the painting is a way to discover one self.
The fragility of the dry pastel and the definition of the colored pencil capture the essence of life.
Entering in the world of the painting is a way to discover one self.
Loredana Loh Timordidio
12 mar 2018, 13:25:39
Paola Biasiol
12 mar 2018, 12:10:47
Tuccinardi Cadia
12 apr 2017, 22:24:22
Dipinto molto bello, colori che danno serenità a chi lo osserva. Occhi persi nell'immenso e labbra pronte a baciare la vita. Complimenti alla bravissima Artista.
10 apr 2017, 22:08:35
L'ombra sul lato destro del viso crea il mistero del proprio mondo interiore e la chiarezza sulla sinistra ci ricorda di vedere il mondo esterno dall'interno. Molto bello.
The shadow on the right side of the face creates the mystery of one's own internal world and the light on the left side reminds one to view the outside world from one's internal world. Very beautiful....
A patron
Marta Fraternali
10 apr 2017, 19:31:50
Oltre le linee e il colore che definiscono il viso, è l'espressione nello sguardo diretto all'osservatore, che penetra l'anima.
Vittoria Lubbers
8 apr 2017, 01:00:27
Beautiful painting, with a delicate and simple expression, and yet she is brave and audacious!
Flyer Art Gallery
6 apr 2017, 23:24:26
Geoffrey Rowland
5 apr 2017, 19:28:39
Angela Tuccinardi
5 apr 2017, 03:55:39
The expression is so touching: the left side is so definite and the right is disappearing into nothing.
The gesture is clear and precise, no mistakes.
She knows what she does.