Laura Andreani

"A Monochrome figuration"

The artist Anna Maria Giordano, with pasty and expressive brush strokes, which seem to want to pursue thoughts, tells of loneliness, of disturbances that outline women's bodies with effective signs as if they revealed their soul. In his works, scratches become incisive signs that highlight the melancholy of figures that have become a synthesis of an interior expression.

In the interiors, suggested by essential touches full of color, the woman's nudes are curled up almost to escape from the oppressive space and to defend themselves from past dreams that would like to escape from prisons with no escape route. Explosions of ideas, of life projects that shatter into the secrets of the ego that rebels in the search for a foothold that leads to the renewal of the joyful life expectancy. The artist finds humus for his paintings in the sphere of emotions that he manages to convey with passion and pathos. 

Anna Maria continues her exhibition journey with a personal research of great interest, her potentiality of style, the careful composition and the monochromatic new color representation, lead the artist to successfully follow the paths of contemporary art, where she finds a excellent location.

Source: Galleria Mentana

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