Anna Maria Spignoli - contemporary paintress

Anna Maria Spignoli sells paintings online

Anna Maria Spignoli

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I was born in Forlì in 1962.

In 1981 I obtained the "Maturity of Applied Art" at the Forlì State Art Institute.

I have attended various computer training courses ranging from the technical drawing made to the pubble-like graphics to the cinematic editing.

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I graduated in 1981 at the Forlì State Art Institute.

Also in 1981 after winning a scholarship, I attended a lithography course at the international graphic arts school of Venice in summer.

For school education and personal attitudes I feel a passionate creativity.

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Collective of painting:
1984: Modern Art Gallery of Loiano (B0), "Anna, Angelica, Morena".
1984: XV. Pacifique Room of Forlì, together with acting director Massimiliano Bolcioni
1981: VIII Contemporary Graphic Exhibition at the International School of Graphic Arts in Venice.

Advertising Graphic Design:
1988/89: At the graphic studio of Mrs. Giovanna Tardozzi.
1986: At the CBS Cooperative

Computerized technical design related to furnishings:
1992/1994: Realization of objects for designers, upholstered furniture and prospective interior views ("Autocad", "3D Studio Max")
1990/91: Realization in GDL language of furnishing elements, at Fortezza Sintesi of Forlimpopoli.

All my works published on the internet are protected by "Copyzero" copyright

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The paintings on sale of the contemporary paintress Anna Maria Spignoli

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