Antropoetico - Maestro contemporaneo - Artisti emergenti


The Art Venus of Anthropoetics explodes suddenly in 2009, the year he begins to write like a river in full, publishing collections of poems, novels and essays, but this is not yet sufficient for his innate desire to express himself and communicate with others, With the outside world. Painting becomes the next natural emotional vent valve that lets him experiment with acrylic on canvas, creating works without identifying himself in a well-defined style or current but leaving an original and immediately recognizable imprint of his brushstrokes.

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Participation at the International Artistic Prize "Essences of Art 2017" at the Mùses - European Academy of Essences, located in the prestigious seat of Palazzo Taffini D'Acceglio in via Sant'Andrea in Savigliano (CN). To 20/05/2017 Recognition with Encomium and Cup at the final prize in the Hall of the Gods Exposed Opera: Twilight.

Opinions on the works by Tutor, Masters and Critics of Art:

Opera: Butterfly in the night

Marco Van Duck 15 / mar / 2017 18:26:06

It is only apparently simple, it has all the requirements of a work of art. The artist has made the idea of ​​the dream butterfly wonderfully beautiful. By creating the chiaroscuro with the choice of colors in the wings (which only the sanny masters do) is blending the contours with the white with great taste creating a healthy indeterminacy that Well improves the coherence of the image with the title.

Opera: The spice merchant

Antonio Castellana 01 / apr / 2017 14:14:16

Of greater importance is the fact that domain and dexterity in the use of design, color and space is not merely an academic exercise, but in this case expresses the world and the imagination of anthropoetics who know how to make use of a mere form Expressive character that characterizes the work "The Spice Shopper". There is no doubt that we are faced with the work of a high-level creative artist and professional dexterity.

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I quadri in vendita del maestro contemporaneo Antropoetico

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NOVITÀ - Breve Super Report

Desire of sea
The sun
The branch
The gray day
Indian crime
Dark cycle

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