Clode Clode - Maestro contemporaneo - Artisti affermati

Clode Clode sells paintings online

Clode Clode

77 84,261 62.9 / 100
Gioria Claudio was born in Carignano December 6, 1970 Fascinated since the early years of life by the color soon reveals his natural aptitude for drawing. Forced to abandon everything to devote himself to the attivita 'labor, he rediscovers the colors after 30 years restandone again fascinated. So totally self-taught painting all that is' cause for excitement.

Reference gallery

la maison d'art Padua Daquino

Reference cultural association

Harthem Torino Tina Masoero

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exhibitions and shows

Varazze Blessed palace jacopo exposure

Savona province palace

Turin hotels eco art gallery


Gassino Torinese

Castelnuovo don bosco for the bicentenary of the birth of the Holy

Roma art gallery Red cinnabar

Palermo event the island that there 'with the participation of Vittorio Sgarbi

Venice Palazzo Albrizzi

1st prize in the city of the Palio 2015 ..........

Lifetime achievement award Armando Bardella 2015

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