The work of Guidi it reflects his natural predisposition to the art experimenting different expressive forms, crossing styles and techniques that imply a careful meditation on the Avant-garde of the '900, from those expressionists of beginning century, passing for the informal one, to the New Dada, up to the teachers of the Transavanguardia. From these jobs its humanistic universe emerges, an intense cultural experience, to lines suffered but particularly meaningful, that induces to reflect on the human condition with its load of restlessness and contradictions. With the observer a dialogue is established, a run in which sign, colors and subject word are made for telling a world that the experience of an artist reflects that approaches to the man, to the life and the art to gather its sense, that true essence that he conceals behind the events, the inexhausted hurry and the neuroses that the dismay of the contemporary man characterizes. Figurative cloths, abstract and polimateriches make him interpreters of a dimension of frontier with elements that the passage symbolizes among the real world and that imaginary, in which meaningful processes of change create unexpected realities where a look is not still conceivable contaminated by stereotypes and common places. The paintings, free from the sweaters of the preparatory sketch, they have the power of a sign that contemplates right to the emotion, in a continuous game of you postpone expressive from the strong impact (emotional). Also the faces become topographies of the soul, territory of investigation of the artist that is not I ever pay to explore zones of shade and pulsioni that escape the control of the conscience. You drive he succeeds in projecting not us in a corruptible temporal dimension that is contemporarily present, past and future, baiting an immediate relationship among subject and object that the observer also induces to a great awareness of itself. There is poetry in the works of you Guidi, there is life that flows in the forms and in the color in which a mind reflects him that breathes through the vibrating energy of the pictorial subject. A frank personality and a sensibility that it produces emotion and reflection.

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