Steve Pearman - Skotland

Artwork: Psycho fluò:

"I love your work Franca, brilliant as always! Art is a journey through my soul to see what I have imagined and seen. A lifetimes collection of emotions and thoughts and places I have been. So, take a journey into your own psyche and to a world of things yet unseen. Letting your spiritual emotions run free, with your heart acting as a go-Between."

Artwork: Etheric red sea:

"Wow, what a feast for the eyes Franca, Art, transitioning those dreams and inspirations into something tangible and real. It’s our subconscious kicking in, displaying in colour how we are and how we really feel. Where our hearts and soul’s secrets are given up as creativity, letting the art unfold. It is us, our inner thoughts, this thing called life, out in the open, our story now told.

Dream Big, sparkle more and shine bright be that spark of positivity with lots of love, happiness and light."