Francesca Gheri - contemporary paintress

Francesca Gheri sells paintings online

Francesca Gheri

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Francesca Gheri born in Empoli where she lives and works. Start her artistic career  as a ceramist, and then devoted herself to painting and graphic art. She graduated in 2008 at the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence with full marks, in the painting section. She follow the corse of  the engraving graphic art, and than deepen the expression of the sign engraved thanks to the proximity and the teachings of Enzo Faraoni master.

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Turin 2016, winner of the international art biennial competition of Turin, at the graphic section. Personal exhibition of graphics and paintings.

Vinci 2015, group exhibition dedicated to the tuscan genius Leonardo da Vinci, on the occasion of the fifth centenary of the death.

Empoli 2014, personal  exhibition of graphic works and drawings, Via Crucis "La passione", coinciding with the commemoration of the centenary of the birth of poet Mario Luzi.

Empoli 2014, winner of painting competition "Il Ghibellino".

Vigonza (PD) 2013, group exhibition of Italian Graphic Art.

Since 2011 take part in the group exhibition and the initiatives of the fine arts circle of Empoli.

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The paintings on sale of the contemporary paintress Francesca Gheri

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