Andrea Domenico Taricco
The pictorial universe of the Campano artist Franco Catapane is studded with a myriad of archetypal constructs designed to synthesize their visionary world view. A deep, sometimes cavernous world in which the relationship between the surface data of the Ego comes into contrast with the underground background represented by the Super-Io. Precisely in this place - not the place between the conscious and the unconscious sphere, the essential principles of existence dictated by parental education take over and generate involuntary artistic processes. From this contrast the archaic images of Catapane take shape, incorporating elements taken from reality up to possible constructive mutations inherited from the post-cubist experience and imbued with those typical modes of the surreal background reinterpreted in a metaphysical key. Then recurrent dreams are intertwined with the phantasmagoric representations of a world upside down where the archetypes based on the bearing couples as well / Evil, Right / Wrong, Pleasure / Sorrow intersect in a promiscuous, ambiguous, fluctuating becoming. These directives will generate acts of repression constantly brought under control by the unconscious of which the Super-ego is its substantial depository. Any act, gesture or hypothesis of logical coherence to reality depends on a profound consequence of adaptation to those norms established in the psyche of the subject since the first years of existence. Now one mode takes precedence over the other, then vice versa up to conflagrate in crystallized formulations that replace the reference reality. Premises that allow us to read works such as Sibilla for example, in which the face in the foreground of the celestial figure is sucked into the vitreous power of the other-worldly gaze, leaving the viewer with a state of restlessness. Forbidden Games, in which form takes precedence over recognizable thoughts and further geometrizes its own modalities until it flows into new visualities. Because of new visualities it is. Simbiosi represents the upper step. Elements taken from the surrounding world are intertwined with each other in a robotic hybridization, creating a futuristic spirituality in which the Ego does not find rational directives.