Dr.ssa Laura Panetti
Massimo Mancuso
It 'a simple and immediate artist painting a clear and bright, moving and vibrant, the texture of a thin graphic scheme.
All his work is told through the Mozartian grace that brings us now to the most immediate impression of his work; air childhood a naive spirit and spontaneous.
The art of Massimo Mancuso is entrusted to color, a color that outlines and draw the feeling of life and even death that we find intrinsic nell'significato iconological of the ruin and the use of darker colors.
And 'an artist who prefers the landscape, ansi can be said that the landscape and human beings are equal. And 'self taught, but this does not belong to its academic circles and schools can give the everyday life an even more sublime spirit, the way to break free from the classical heritage; an art that gives her a cultural identity by highlighting the values of the community and landscape through aesthetics.
All punctuated by the feeling experienced by the author in the enjoy the view of the landscape, using all five senses, this feeling is so full of pathos to remain imprinted and to exert on the human observer's a very strong emotion.
The artist prefers the marine / aquatic landscape where through it we find a visible emotional charge, from the serenity that transpires in the contemplation of the sea, the impetus and energy that the artist puts in depicting the waterfall or the power that they have the nell'infrangersi waves on the rocks, in him we can say that pours an ambivalent feeling of calm and restlessness that characterizes the entire landscape.
Drs Laura Panetti