Flavio De Gregorio

MODERN ART CATALOG 2015 (review of the work "Going to the sea") -

omissis ... "A configuration, from whose verisimilitude, there are concrete sections dedicated to focusing on the artist's trait, offers the viewer the consolidation of a symbolic reality, perceived in a number of evocative references, whose luminous effects interact magnificently towards that silent moment, from which the artist moves his expressive dictate, enhancing the dynamic objective responses that, in the tonal revision, anticipate the eloquent sensations arising precisely from the shadowing always in intelligently interposed spaces and suited to represent the environmental transfiguration Therefore, the refined pictorial structure extends the limits in a scenic context where the shadows moderate the tonalisms only partially, while the thickness of the stroke reveals the intriguing intuitive force, conditioned by time, making the creative starting point the priority theme of the proposed subject ".

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