Pietra Barrasso - Maestra contemporanea - Maestri di profilo nazionale

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Pietra Barrasso

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Pierina BARRASSO, in arte Pietra

International Artist, she was born in 1963 in Venticano (Avellino).

She is specializing in Graphic Design and Photography, She attended the Academy of Fine Arts of Naples, specialization in painting.

She began her career very young always receiving critical acclaim, audience and acclaim from important personalities.

She’s been Master Antonio Corpora’s disciple, she knows and attends historicized contemporary Master and World Celebrities who have made the history of the TWENTIETH CENTURY, from Papa Giovanni Paolo II, to Robert Carroll, from Orpheus to DRUMS Eernesto Treccani, from Aligi Sassu to Antonio Corpora, from Mario Verdone to Angelo

Branduardi, from Nicola Piovani to Vittorioo Sgarbi, from Roberto Murolo to Roberto Benigni, from Lina Wertmuller to Willy Pasini etc.

She has performed for the very important work of Typography Columbus Chamber of Deputies, Braille Code from the curtain of Montecitorio.

She has made cover for graphics of LEEP RECORDS CD “Pronto Mosca – Pronto Washington”

She collaborates with Gangemi Editore for the realization of “Colore e Pietra”’s series.

She concernes about graphic and layout of “Idea” magazine.

She works at Modern and Contemporary Art’s Gallery (today it’s called Macro), Borghese Gallery’s Museum, Braschi Museum and at Rome’s Museum in Trastevere. She engages with AMRF ITALIA ONLUS - AUCTION HOUSE BABUINO - ROME

She is versatile artist . She's a sign of success in the contemporary art scene. She’s selected by the Art Critic VITIORIO SGARBI for the 54th BIENNIAL : INTERNATIONAL ART of VENICE - ITALY Pavilion - Viterbo 2011

She’s been choose by Prof. Giulia SILLATO for join at “Metaformismo”, and she take a part at collective exhibitions about “L’Arte Contemporanea nelle antiche Dimore”.

She collaborates at “Rotta Nord Est” and “Imagine 2014” projects, made Prof. Giammarco Puntelli, with Big Masters that Andy Warhol, Scatizzi, Sassu, Schifano e contemporanei quali Kostabi, Lodola, Borghi, Kanewsky and other artists in Milano, Biella, Assisi e Firenze, Rovigo e al Museo d’Arte Moderna di Muggia (Trieste).

She’s been selected by Giulia SILLATO from “L’Arte e il Tempo”’s project, like official event of EXPO IN CITTA’ at EXPO 2015 in Milan, made by Giulia Sillato and Prof. Giammarco Puntelli from 10 until 30 June 2015.

She’s been choose as contemporary artist by Aligi Sassu foundation for a solo exbitt in Besana Brianza from 12 september unti 25 october 2015.

The President of Campania Region has entrusted to execute paintings in homage to all the presidencies of the Italian Regions, in occasion of National Meeting at Palazzo Reale of Naples.

Her major works are in the CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES , EMBASSIES , PROVINCES , SALT BOARD towns of the Campania and Puglia regions and various public bodies.

Among her major personal exhibitions in Italy and abroad, are listened Berlin, Boston, Cambridge . Newyork, Tokio, China, Petersburg, Beijng, Canada, Montecarlo, Nice, Moscow, Stuttgart, Lugano, Reinach , Worcester, Springfield, Barcellona, Vienna, Avellino, Spoleto, Roma, Scilla, Modena, Trento, Capri, Milan, Venice, Lucca, Latch, Perugia, Potenza, Arezzo, Carrara, Florence.

She is awarded the honor about Art of “Personalità Europea 2012” in Campidoglio, Rome. she obtains INTERNATIONAL PRIZE FOR ART " SAN CRISPINO " edition with 14 A BRONZE MEDAL AT THE CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES – 2012.

She’s been SELECTED PRIZE ADRENALINE - MACRO Testaccio Pelanda - in collaboration with ROMA CAPITAL.

She’s WINNER of Palmart AWARD 2012 - LEIPZIG - GERMANY ;

They was written about her: Giovanni Faccenda, Mara Ferloni, Giammarco Puntelli, Giuseppe Selvaggi, Giulia Sillato, Luigi Tallarico, Rino Cardone, Angela Delle Donne.

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Some awards and recent activities:

Award for the Art of "European Personality 2012" in the Capitol in Rome. 

International Art Prize with Bronze Medal of the Chamber of Deputies - 2012 

Honor "Master" at the Bellini Museum in Florence - 2013 

Prize of Representation "Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Culture and Tourism - 2013 

Special Career Award. Marche region. 2013 

Special Prize -. Marche region. 2012 

Art Biennale Nobel Prize. Montecarlo 2012 

International Art Prize "Pearl of the Adriatic" Grottammare (AP) 

Palmart Award winner in 2012 and 2015 Leipzig - Germany 

Selected by the art critic Vittorio Sgarbi for the 54th International Biennial of Art in Venice 

It exposes permanently: 


Palazzo Albertoni Altier Spinala, Piazza dei Campitelli No. 2 - Roma 

It has about 400 Painting 200 Personal and Collective Art, as well as a hundred awards. 

Among About major artistic in Italy and abroad, it highlights some of those held in Berlin, Boston, Cambridge, New York, Tokyo, Beijing - China, St. Petersburg, Canada, Sprinfield, Barcelona, ​​Vienna Avellino, Rome, scilla, Modena, Trento, Capri, Milan, Venice, Lucca, Stationary, Perugia, Potenza, Arezzo, Carrara, Florence. 

In the current year, he has collected a series of solo exhibitions in various Italian regions that have seen exhibiting at Fratta Polesine (RO) at Villa Badoer, in Carrara at the Fair of Art days in Sarnico (BG) at the Civic Tower, Volterra (PI) at the Praetorian Palace lodges, as well as participated in the collective "the spiritual in art", curated by Prof. Props simultaneously in the towns of Assisi, Gualdo Tadino and Gubbio, and "L ' art and time ", organized by Prof. Giulia Sillato Giureconsulti at the Palace in Milan, occassione Expo 2015, together with the great contemporary Italian and foreign Masters and records (such Kanevsky, Menozzi, Faccincani, Villages, Captains, Scatizzi, Worhol, Schifano, Adolfo and Anne Jenness Saporetti, Xhomo and others), and not least the staff on the occasion of the 61st edition of the prize city of Pizzo where he was awarded a special recognition as the "Master of Light."

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