by Dilame

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Armilla is a thread-like city, light, thin. It is not known if this is the case because it is unfinished or because it is demolished, if only its indestructible plants have withstood a catastrophe, earthquakes, corrosion. It has no walls, no ceilings, no floors. Nothing that makes it look like a city, except the water pipes that go up vertically and branch out. A forest of pipes that end up in faucets, showers, siphons. It cannot be said whether it was abandoned before or after it was inhabited, however it cannot be said to be deserted. Armilla's nymphs and naiads have remained masters, which at any time can be seen basking in the bathtubs, arching under the water wires gutted by the showers, between the jets and the paws, between the splashes and the foam that shine in the sun.

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