Primal beheading

by Simone Loddi

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Primordial Beheading - 2021

In this painting I wanted to represent the death of neoclassical art through the beheading of an anonymous Greco-Roman statue, which vaguely recalls the head of Michelangelo's David.

The head is suspended in a chaotic dark green background, with splashes and casts of color as a frame (primordial chaos).

The face is divided by a soft border thanks to the play of yellow-fuchsia lights: luminescences coming from the flows of the same colors at the top and bottom of the work.

To give a more mystical and symbolic touch I have dirtied the painting (especially on the neck area) with some incense powder, creating a kind of "nebula" effect that makes everything darker and more confused.

The canvas is a high thickness 50x70 cm.

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