Giraffe women

by Irma

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Giraffe women are victims of old legends, prisoners of a collar that, in the eyes of their men, makes them more beautiful and attractive, and that makes them a tourist attraction, a means to get some money into the country's coffers. money.We are in Thailand. Giraffe women are women who fled from Myanmar and the military regime that had taken them away from all freedom, but they continue to be prisoners of cge rings that have been holding their necks since childhood. They have been nicknamed giraffe women because the collar they wear does nothing but cause the collarbone to slip, thus making their neck very long, just like that of giraffes. But it's actually an optical effect because it's their ribcage that shrinks. Women must bring these rings to life because, if they were removed, their head would not be able to stand on their necks, thus causing them to suffocate and, consequently, death. These women are forced to live in ghetto neighborhoods. and to be exposed to the public of tourists who flock to that area, who came there only to admire and photograph them, as if they were circus phenomena or, worse, animals.

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