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Contemporary has become accustomed to the concept of traveling, moving, which is within reach of anyone and with little effort, often as an individual journey. The exodus is, however, something different: Exodus is not just a choice but a necessity, a superior call. From these concepts comes the Exodus panel, composed of two 70x50cm canvases. Like many other works of the artist, there are also very different and varied materials used here: interesting use of sand, which is used both to give a distinctive color effect but also to leave a tangible impression of execution Caorle beach. Looking at the canvas, the black lines represent the frantic movement, the people who leave their land and seem to roam without a precise goal. In the middle, a blue opening: the sea, dividing the Jews and their land, but also the sea that divides Europe and Africa. The pink and yellow colors are the hope of whoever leaves, who leaves behind, hoping to find serenity. This picture, also resulting from the life experiences of the artist, thus represents the exodus not as the exodus of a particular people or group, but as a world exodus from the uncertain goal, the necessary shift to continue to live.

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