The clown
Similarly to the mask, the clown has an important artistic position in the world of culture and, in particular, of the theater: it is in fact one of the basic figures of the circus, so much so that it is practically an emblem.
The comic effect of a representation with clowns (which gave its name to the theatrical clowning) is generated by the contrast of these two figures. The one (the white) authoritarian, severe, precise, capable of doing (his traditional costume wants him dressed in white and with a pointed hat); the other (the Augustus) incapable, clumsy and bewildered (oversized clothes and giant shoes).
The clown, also known with the English clown, is that character who has the task of amusing the spectators, especially in circus shows. He is generally dressed in a funny way, but there is no lack of examples of more romantic characters (for example some clowns have drawn a tear on the face and relatively more sober clothing) or bad versions, in this case in cinema or horror literature.