The bridge
by Davì
Is our life in the hands of fate or chance? Are we the architects of our destiny or do we live predetermined experiences?
Like a dancer, we dance along the paths of existence without knowing what tomorrow will bring us and we know the beginning of the bridge of life that we travel every day but we cannot see the end and where it will lead us is a mysterious surprise.
We are called daily to solve the problems that life presents us, making decisions without having the skills to do so, what is the purpose of all this?
Is there a purpose?
Jun 6, 2019, 9:25:00 PM
La inserisco qui così: Un lavoro curato, il tuo, che non "s'affretta" in una impellenza ma si capisce potersi perdere totalmente tra pennellate e colori delicati, e ne invita l'osservatore. Simbolismo semplice e dunque efficace.
Jun 6, 2019, 9:22:20 PM
Avevo scritto una considerazione felice ma credo non l'abbia inserita...
Jun 6, 2019, 9:21:07 PM
Complimenti con tutto il cuore