"I wish I had lived the memories I don't have"

by Margherita Coralluzzo

paintings on sale online


Federica was able to enjoy the privilege of knowing her mother in her first four years of life. And then, he learned to get to know her more closely in two diametrically opposed ways: from the memory of her older brother, from the father who loved her so much, from her grandparents, aunts, grandchildren, and through the caress of her soul, profuse of a love still little understood by Federica, where being in the light of her mother, however, manages to appease all her fears. "And to think that in your dreams, mum, there were already Francesco and I". "I wish I had lived the memories I don't have" is what Federica sometimes constructs in her imagination, where she lets herself be pampered by a dream and not an abstract idea of her mother, embracing her alive again in a parallel reality that is sometimes more authentic than the surrounding world and also of a fervent memory. Because she knows that her mom is there whenever she meets love.

(Not for sale)


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