by Lenny

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"PROPAGANDA" is an abstract work that explores the subtle yet invasive power of propaganda. The painting is dominated by a dramatic contrast between a dense black surface and a vibrant explosion of colors in the center. The central section, with its pinkish-orange hues, represents the world—a place full of ideas, emotions, and people. However, this world is enveloped and overshadowed by black, a dark force that sneaks in, destroying and manipulating.

The black represents propaganda, a powerful tool used by the strongest to influence, direct, and control people. It obscures the truth, destroying reality. However, propaganda is not always evil; it can also be a tool for good, a means to unite and mobilize towards just causes. But when it falls into the wrong hands, it becomes a destructive force, capable of crushing freedom of thought and turning into a great evil.

The work therefore aims to invite reflection on how propaganda influences our daily lives and on how important it is to remain aware of this invisible yet powerful force.

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