Alessandro Bianchi Livorno Art - contemporary painter

Alessandro Bianchi Livorno Art sells paintings online

Alessandro Bianchi Livorno Art

95 57,908 61.8 / 100

Livorno - Via Olanda 35 - Tel. 347 8871946
E-mail: [email protected]
Facebook: Alessandro Bianchi page
Instagram: alessandrobianchilivorno
Member of the Association "ARTE A LIVORNO"

<< Alessandro Bianchi was born in Livorno in 1970. A few years ago he felt the need to express himself through Art, after first approaches to landscape photography, completed with a basic course, he found the satisfaction he sought in painting.
As a self-taught man, he tried his first landscape paintings and then moved on to the abstract form to complete today a series of works dedicated to female faces integrated into the abstract theme. In 1994, from a trip to Paris he draws inspiration from the works of Van Gogh, Kandinsky Picasso, Modigliani, Mirò and Pollock. Immense artists who influence his paintings.
The passion for painting emerges particularly from 1998 when he began to feel the first attractions towards colors and canvases. Discovery, the sensation has become a priority. Since 2005 he has participated in various collective reviews in Livorno, Pisa, Tirrenia (PI), Castellina Marittima (PI), Arezzo, Cecina (LI), Seravezza (LU), Alicante (Spain). An artistic imprint since 2006 can be traced back to the knowledge of the works of the artist Toffoletti.
During these years the transition from oil painting on canvas to acrylic painting on gypsum bases integrated in wooden frames entirely built by himself and on MD frames was significant.
His works do not have an identified current but range in the various genres that the artistic sentiment proposes to itself from time to time.
These works, carried out with passion, gratify his pleasure in dedicating himself to art, thus being able to express himself, making his works public and sharing them with people. >>

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-Rome: Dantebus BazArt - On line
-Livorno: "Creantena" Exhibition at Ricci Arte as well as online and on the website - ​​(25 / 07-03 / 08)
-Publication on line / facebook site "Fantastic Artists ... and where to find them" - (July 2020)
-Seravezza (LU): - V ° M.Buonarroti Award - (30 / 11-15 / 12-2019) - Palazzo Mediceo - Diploma of Honor and Commendation
-Livorno: Porta a Mare - XXXV Fidapa Review (27 September - 04 October)
-Livorno: La Quadrata 2018- Il Melograno Gallery -On line and exhibition in July 2018
-Livorno: Sea Museum - XXXIV Fidapa Review (09/16 June)
-Livorno: Museo del Mare - Dialogues between Art and Poetry (14/21 October)
-Livorno: Esp. solo exhibition of a work at Granai Villa Mimbelli Fattori Museum - Livorno Calcio Museum (16/2 -12/3)
-Livorno: XXXIII ° Fidapa Review (18/21 January) - Grand Hotel Palazzo
-Alicante (Spain) Fomenar - Online Gallery - online participation year 2017 - partner for 2017
-Seravezza (LU): 26/11 - 2nd M.Buonarroti Prize - Palazzo Mediceo - Diploma of Honor and Commendation Mention
-Livorno: (01/15 October) - Expos. at Galleria Chiellini (ann.le of the Associaz.Arte in Livorno)
-Livorno: Exhibition at the L’Accordo Music School
-Cecina (LI): Exhibition at Rist.Pizz.2000
-Livorno: La Quadrata 2016- Il Melograno Gallery -On line and exhibition in June 2016
-Livorno: Teatro Goldoni - Il Prato - Exhibition and donation of the work - 12/12/2015
-Livorno: Collective Christmas - Il Melograno Gallery - from 05 December to 09 January 2016
-Livorno: Fruttidoro 2015- Il Melograno Gallery - from 05 to 17 September
-Cecina (LI): Personal exhibition on the occasion of the presentation. of the book “(Juventus) The colors of victory” December
-Montescudaio (PI): June - Exhibition at Rist. The Casone
-Livorno: XXXII ° Fidapa Review from 29 November to 05 December - Natural History Museum
-Livorno: XXVII ° Fidapa Review from 02 to 09 May - Bottini dell’olio - Q. Venice
-Livorno: XXVI ° Fidapa Review from 31 May to 07 June - Bottini dell’olio - Q. Venice
-Tirrenia (PI) -Grand Hotel Golf: XIVth Tirrenia Prize from 21st to 28th July
-Castellina (PI): IV Visual Arts Em'Arte 2007 from 20 May to 17 June
-Pisa: XIV ° City of Pisa Hotel Duomo from 14 to 21 April
-Arezzo: Flower Power 2007 from March 25 to April 14
-Livorno: XIVth Art showcase exhibition from 02 to 08 December
-Livorno-Centro le Torri: III Autumn Festival from 18 to 30 November
-Livorno: Montenero Under the Stars Review from 04 to 20 August
-Tirrenia (PI) -GrandHotel Golf: XIIIth Tirrenia Prize from 22 to 29 July (reporting)
-Castellina (PI): III ° Visual Arts Em'Arte 2006 from 14 May to 04 June
-Livorno: XXIII ° Fidapa Review from 07 to 14 May - Bottini dell’olio - Q. Venice

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The paintings on sale of the contemporary painter Alessandro Bianchi Livorno Art

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