D.ssa Rosita Taurone, Storico e critico d'arte

The images of Alessio Bandini project us into a dimension of pure immersion, where naked bodies are abandoned in an existential dive. His art transmit us the extraordinary experience of immersion in space, through images that explore spirituality and perception. Faces are the leading of his works, characterized by a poetic and strongly symbolic style in which man is called to interact with forces and energies of nature such as water and fire, light and darkness, the cycle of life and that of rebirth. The facial expression of the characters is relaxed, seraphic, almost absorbed in a Zen-like peace. Unperturbed, inscrutable. Delivered to an aura of mystical magic, eternal in the most complete and total abandonment to the fluid dimension of a water that is the bearer of life, a uterine element of ungraspable serenity. Bandini investigates humanity.

Full Art Immersion, 2017