Anastasia Yanchuk (nati) - Maestra contemporanea - Maestri di profilo nazionale


Anastasia Yanchuk (Nati) is a realist painter based in Italy. Her work is an experiment with various materials. The image of women is a fundamental inspiration.

Anastasia has always had a passion for Art. 

The interest for painting was cultivated during childhood, school years and improved during 2-years practical courses of drawing and painting at the Russian State University (RGGU, Moscow, 2001-2003). Then she graduated in Interior Design and Architecture (Moscow, 2003-2009).

After completing studies Anastasia has moved to Italy where she resumed painted classes. Her technical improvement, pursued under the mentorship of Barbara Fantaguzzi (italian painter), has made it possible to Anastasia to take her personal style to a higher level.

In 2020 she has made a decision to pursue a career as a professional artist. She has shown her art to a world participating in prestigious Art Fairs and exhibitions in Italy (including XIV Florence Biennale 2023), Spain, Austria, Germany, Principality of Monaco, Dubai (UAE), New York (USA). Her artworks have been featured in magazines, such as "BIANCOSCURO Art Magazine", "Aesthetica", in art books such as Atlante dell'Arte Contemporanea (ed. De Agostini), CAM (Catalogo dell'arte Moderna, ed. Giorgio Mondadori) and were included in various art catalogs.

Nati uses bold colors and techniques to depict strong, intriguing and sensual women. She notes the artworks are a reminder that Women are a Symbol of Life. Creating paintings Anastasia explores a variety of mediums: each one allows for a unique expression of an artwork.

Anastasia currently lives and works in Alba (Italy).

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• 2001 – 2003 – courses of drawing and painting at the Russian State University (RGGU)
• 2003 – 2009 – “Interior Design and Architecture” in the International Academy of Business and Management (Moscow, Russia)
• 2008 – 2009 “Interior Design” at British School of Design (Moscow, Russia)
• dal 2017 – present – corse of painting with Barbara Fantaguzzi (Alba, Italy)

• Group exhibitions organized by Società Promotrice delle Belle Arti di Asti (Asti, Italy) in 2018 and 2019;
• Group exhibition L’Equilibrio dei Contrasti at Chiesa San Domenico (Alba, Italy) 16 – 22 April 2019;
• Group exhibition “Art Collections” at Rossocinabro Gallery (Rome, Italy) May 18, 2020 – July 31, 2020;
• International Contemporary Art Fair art3f in Monaco, 21 – 23 August, 2020 (represented by PassepARTout Unconventional Gallery, Milan, Italy);
• Group exhibition “Vette d’Arte” in Turin (Italy), September 5, 2020 – October 3, 2020;
• Art Parma Fair 3, 4 and 9 – 11 October, 2020 (represented by PassepARTout Unconventional Gallery, Milan, Italy);
• Biennale Creatività al femminile “WAB – Women Art Bra” in Bra (Italy) 3 – 25 October, 2020;
• World Art Dubai Fair (Dubai, United Arab Emirates) 7 – 10 April, 2021;
• Group exhibition at Chiesa San Domenico (Alba, Italy) from May 29th, 2021 until June 6th, 2021;
• Bipersonal exhibition “Red Passion” at Versilia Lido UNA Esperienze Hotel (Lido di Camaiore, Italy) from June 21st, 2021 until November 5th, 2021 (organized by PassepARTout Unconventional Gallery, Milan, Italy);
• Group exhibition “BorderArt” in Gattinara (Italy) from June 27th, 2021 until July 7th,2021;
• Group exhibition “Medaglie d’Italia” at Hotel Adalesia & Coffee (Turin, Italy) from July 23rd, 2021 until August 8th, 2021;
• International Contemporary Art Fair art3f in Monaco 27 – 29 August, 2021 (represented by da PassepARTout Unconventional Gallery, Milan, Italy);
• Group exhibition at ZEROUNO Gallery (Barletta, Italia) from August 27th, 2021 until September 10th, 2021;
• Group exhibition “DREAMARS” at HUB/Art (Milan, Italy) 9 – 26, September 2021;
• Group exhibition at Hubertendorf Castle (Hubertendorf, Austria) organized by MAMAG Modern Art Museum from September 15th, 2021 until December 20th, 2021;
• Group exhibition at Fluart – Centro di Arte Urbana (Bologna, Italy) from September 22nd, 2021 until October 5th, 2021;
• Virtual art exhibition ViaggiArte (organized by Art Space Milano) from October 8th, 2021 until November 8th, 2021;
• Group exhibition “ROERO é” at Chiesa dell’Annunziata (Guarene, Italy) in collaboration with UNESCO from October 14th, 2021 until November 14th, 2021;
• Biennale Milano (Milan, Italy) from October 21st, 2021 until October 25th, 2021;
• International Art Fair – Art Innsbruck (digital display) from October 28 – 31 October, 2021;
• Collective exhibition dedicated to Premio Vittorio Sgarbi /Art Prize at Centro Fieristico e Congressuale (Ferrara, Italy) from October 29th, 2021 to November 1st, 2021;
• Group exhibition dedicated to Premio Isabella D’Este/Art Prize at Centro Fieristico e Congressuale di Ferrara (Italy) from October 29th, 2021 until November 1st, 2021;
• Group exhibition “Artisti a Palazzo” at Palazzo delle Arti (Bassano del Grappa, Italy) from November 19th, 2021 until December 17th, 2021;
• Bi-personal exhibition at Galleria Spazioporpora (Milan, Italy) from November 27th, 2021 until December 4th, 2021 (art exhibition organized by Francesca Callipari Art Curator);
• Group exhibition dedicated to Premio IconArt 2021/ Art Prize “La Collettiva” December 18th, 2021;
• Group exhibition SIMPOSIO D’ARTE at Milano Art Gallery (Milan, Italy) from December 4th, 2021 until January 8th, 2022;
• Group exhibition “New Contemporary. The unique world” at PAKS Gallery (Vienna, Austria) from January 8th, 2022 until March 3rd, 2022;
• Group exhibition “AMARS III” at HUB/Art (Milan, Italy) from January 18th, 2022 until February the 1st, 2022 (organized by Ass.Culturale ARS – Art Space);
• Group exhibition L’Amore nell’Arte at Milano Art Gallery (Milan, Italy) from February 13th, 2022 until March 05th,2022;
• Group exhibition L’Arte delle Donne (Premio Frida Kahlo/Art Prize) at Milano Art Gallery (Milan, Italy) 8 – 27 March, 2022;
• Group Exhibition “Art between thoughts and spontaneity” at PAKS Gallery (Munich, Germany) from March 9th, 2022 until September 20th, 2022;
• Affordable Art Fair 2022, New York (USA) 23 – 27 March, 2022 (curated by Tablinum Cultural Management);
• Group exhibition “Art between thoughts and spontaneity” at PAKS Gallery (Munich, Germany) from 09.03.2022 to 20.09.2022;
• Group Exhibition “I LOVE ITALY“ at Art Nou Milleni Gallery (Barcelona, Spain) from 23.05.2022 until 29.05.2022 (curated by Francesca Callipari);
• Group exhibition “From thoughts to Artwork” at PAKS Gallery by the castle Heidenreichstein (Austria) from 28/09/2022 to 21/12/2022;
• Group exhibition “VIAGGIO NELL’IO” at Satura Palazzo Stella (Genoa, Italy) from 15.10.2022 until 26.10.2022;
• Exhibition of Modern and Contemporary Art Market ARTE PADOVA from 10.11.2022 until 14.11.2022 (represented by ArtExpò Gallery);
• Group exhibition at ESPACE 22 Temporary Gallery (Principality of Monaco) from 08.12.2022 until 18.12.2022 (represented by Tablinum Cultural Management);
• Group Exhibition “RESTART” at HUB/ART Gallery (Milan, Italy) from 19.01.2023 until 02.02.2023;
• Group Exhibition Arte In Maschera Centro Espositivo San Vidal (Venice, Italy) from 03.03.2023 until 09.02.2023 (organized by Francesca Callipari Art Curator);
• Group Exhibition “Art & Design“ at MA-EC Gallery (Milan, Italy) from 17.04.2023 until 23.04.2023 (organized by ArteMida Experience)
• Solo Exhibition at Tablinum Cultural Management (Plesio, Italy) from 16.06.2023 until 15.09.2023;
• Group Exhibition “Artemida Art Weeks“ at MA-EC Gallery (Milan, Italy) from 27.06.2023 until 08.07.2023;
• XIV Florence Biennale – (Florence, Italy) from until 22.10.2023
• Group Exhibition “IL RITRATTO” at Concept Art Brera (Milan, Italy) from 28.10.2023 until 03.11.2013

• Group Exhibition hosted by NEWART.PROMOTION at the Castle Belgioioso (Pavia, Italy) from 25-26.10.2023;
• Group Exhibition “MOMENT” at Concept Art Brera (Milan, Italy) from 09.12.2023 until 15.12.2023
• Group Exhibition “Beyond Borders” hosted by Artio Gallery at the European Museum of Modern Art (Barcelona, Spain) from 28.06.2024 until 30.06.2024;

• Premio Giuria Popolare Prize, artwork “Anima del Deserto” (Premio Vette d’Arte 2020);
• Art Prize “Premio Artista d’Italia 2021” – 4th piace prime (artwork “Dreaming About You”)
• Second place medal “Medaglie d’Italia” (art exhibition and art prize “Medaglie d’Italia”) for an artwork “Il Sorriso della Geisha”
• Finalist at The Global Art Awards 2021| Tokyo Edition – (category: figurative painting), artwork: “Il Sorriso della Geisha” (Smile of a Geisha)
• Winner of Power Of Creativity Art Prize
• Art Prize Premio Biennale “Oscar della Creatività” (16 October, 2021, Principality of Monaco, award-winning artwork: Il Sorriso Della Geisha )
• Art prize Premio IconArt 2021 (Winner of “Premio Art&Investment”, award-winning artwork: POP ART COIN)
• International Prix 1 Trofeo Art In The World 2022;
• Art Prize “Tintoretto” 2022 (ArtExpò Gallery);
• International Prize for Contemporary Art of Brera (special mention by PitturiAmo. Artwork: Japanese Charm);
• Art Prize NFT (by BIANCOSCURO ART CONTEST, 17 September 2022);
• Art Prize “La Palma d’oro per le Arti Visive 2022” (24 September 2022. Award-winning artwork: Naked Feelings);
• FACES OF PEACE – International Art Prize
• Art Prize “Leonardo Da Vinci” (6 January 2023, Cesenatico, Italy);
• Art Prize Pablo Picasso (13 May 2023, Sanremo, Italy)
• Art Prize Premio Biennale “Oscar della Creatività” (23 September, 2023, Principality of Monaco, award-winning artwork: DIAMOND)
• Atlante dell’Arte Contemporanea (ed. De Agostini, 2021);
• Catalogue Vette d’Arte (ed.Alhena, 2021);
• Art Now (March/April 2021);
• Online Magazine «World Wide Art Magazine» ( #6, 2021, ed. World Wide Art Books, Santa Barbara, CA, USA);
• Catalogues Premio Vittorio Sgarbi (2021);
• Catalogue MAMAG Modern Art Museum, 2021;
• IconArt Magazine (July/August, 2021);
• Catalogue Art & investments (US market edition, 2021, ed.Prince Art Gallery);
• Catalogue DreamArs 2021 (Art Space/ HUB/ART);
• Catalogue Oscar della Creatività (2021, ed. ArtExpò Gallery)
• Catalogue Biennale Milano International meeting 2021 (ed. Art Factory);
• Catalogue L’Arte delle Donne, 2022 (ed. Art Factory);
• Art Magazine BIANCOSCURO (n.48 – October/November 2021);
• BIANCOSCURO (n.49 – December 2021/January 2022);
• BIANCOSCURO (n.50 – February/March 2022);
• BIANCOSCURO (n.51 – April/May 2022);
• BIANCOSCURO (n.52 – June/July 2022);
• BIANCOSCURO (n.53 – August/September 2022);
• Book “Arte e poesia”;
• Catalogue Premio Tintoretto per l’Arte, 2022 (ArtExpò Gallery);
• Catalogue for ArtExpo 2022 (New York, USA, ed. World Wide Art and Artavita);
• Art Magazine Aesthetica (June/July 2022; n.107);
• Annuario Artisti’22
• La Guida Artistica d’Italia 2022 (ed. Spazio Mecenate);
• Modern Art Catalogue N.58 by Giorgio Mondadori (CAM, November 2022);
• BIANCOSCURO (n.54 – October /November 2022);
• BIANCOSCURO (n.55 – December 2022 /January 2023);
• BIANCOSCURO (n.55 – February/March 2023);
• “I Veri Artisti Contemporanei” Volume 3 (Aprile/June 2023) edited by an international art critic Pasquale Di Matteo;
• Faces of Peace Art Book (spring 2023);
• CAM (Catalogo dell’Arte Moderna) N.59 by Giorgio Mondadori (CAM, 2023);
• Atlante dell’Arte Contemporanea (ed. De Agostini, 2023)

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I quadri in vendita della maestra contemporanea Anastasia Yanchuk (nati)

Tutti (20) Quadri Venduti (1) Quadri disponibili (19)

NOVITÀ - Breve Super Report

Untitled #306077
Untitled #276850