Stefania Guerri

“ - Visiting Elisa Marianini's exhibition “OLTRE IL FINE” at her beautiful studio in the TORRE area, an exhibition led by her, is like listening to a course in humanistic psychology. The theme she proposed suggests reflecting on the boundaries of knowledge we have about ourselves and others as well as about life itself. Going beyond the boundaries that often block the evolution of our inner growth also contributes to developing our positive behavior towards others. Ultimately it is about unlocking some attachments that often bind us to not seeing beyond our own way of thinking, to get out of our I to go towards the YOU and combine it in US. Therefore we can say that in each painting we find a message of psychology applied to the art of painting. In her artistic compositions Elisa also applies the technique called "encaustic", an ancient pictorial technique based on colors mixed with wax through heat. The result gives the painting a notable relief of some parts of the subject created, so much so that we find ourselves admiring a painting that reminds us of sculpture. The subjects of the works created are so different from each other that at first glance it seems like visiting an exhibition of works by various artists. The first sensation is linked to the diversity of each of us, then gradually recognizing the trait of a single hand. while confirming the multifaceted personality of Elisa Marianini. The mutual diversity is then transformed into that uniqueness that unites us all in a collective union of what is called Humanity” - . For all those who want to visit the exhibition, some guided tours are organized every Saturday afternoon at 5pm.

Stefania Guerri


Exhibition "Oltre il Confine" 30 September 2023