Emil Alexiev - born in Sofia, Bulgaria on 18.07.1974.

Teachers and mentors: arch. Ognyan Markov, Professor K. Boychev, Anatoly Alexiev, Associate Professor Dr. Ralitsa Mircheva, Stanimir Bozhilov.

From the author:

"Each artist has access to different techniques. The more techniques, the more means of expression (the search process is endless). With watercolor, everything is done in one breath without the right to mistakes.

Everything with watercolors started in the middle of the pandemic – one landscape, then another... Every single sheet of paper has its own life and character. Mastering your form is a living challenge. I present the symbiosis between different types of watercolor techniques and techniques.

Why landscape? - closed from everywhere, without the right to move, a void appears that is difficult to fill. Nature and our symbiosis with it is something that gives meaning to our entire existence. All that is painted is a glimpse and a feeling of various natural features and the memory of them. In the later works, many pressing problems related to our everyday life also creep in."


1. EXHIBITION "FLYING EXPERIENCE" GALLERY "LUBEN GAIDAROV" Pernik organized by NBU, Department - Fine Arts - 2019-20.

2. "EVOLUTIONS" EXHIBITION - THE BOX - Student City Art & Culture Area, Studentski Grad, 7 Yordan Yosifov St. - 2020.

3. COLLECTIVE PROJECT - "INTERACTIVE SPACE FOR VISUAL ARTS" Sofia, Stanimir Bozhilov district, Metropolitan Library, 4 Slaveykov Square - 2021.

4. Exhibition "Self-portraits and portraits", organized by NBU, Assoc. Dr. Ralitsa Mircheva, Department - Fine Arts NBU - 21.05.2021.

5. EXHIBITION "RETURN" -, organized by the NBU, Stanimir Bozhilov, Department - Fine Arts - NBU - 21.05.2021.

6. EXHIBITION - "MAGIC LANDSCAPES" 2020-2021, WATERCOLOR - 1st solo exhibition organized by NBU, leading teacher Assoc. Dr. Ralitsa Mircheva, department - Fine Arts NBU -2021.

7. EXHIBITION – MAGICAL LANDSCAPES 2, 2020-2024, WATERCOLOR - 2nd solo exhibition; Art Gallery 158 - the gallery of "Art Hotel 158" - Address: Gr. Sofia 1000, 158 Knyaz Boris I Street; 05-12.11.2024

LEXHIBITION – MAGICAL LANDSCAPES 2 Link:[%7B%22surface%22%3A%22external%22%7D%2C%7B%22mechanism%22%3A%22attachment%22%2C%22surface%22%3A%22newsfeed%22%7D]%2C%22ref_notif_type%22%3Anull%7D


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