Federica and Loris Bortolin are self-taught painters.
Both participate in the art exhibition Primo Premio Internazionale PitturiAmo (Premio Internazionale Brunelleschi) >>>, which took place on selection (see criticisms by Paolo Levi in the section) and held at the Palazzo Ximènes Panciatichi, Florence, from 19 to 21 January 2018. Exhibited works: "Lady with an ermine" (Federica) and "A wooded path in autumn" (Loris). Limited edition personalized art catalogs by EA Editore. LORIS IS CHOSEN AMONG THE TEN WINNERS WITH "A WOODED PATH IN AUTUMN". Honor recognized to Loris by means of a personalized plaque.
Loris participates with the work "A Wooded path in autumn" at the Biennial Venezia Art Expo 2018 - Exhibition of Nations, held at the Scuola Grande della Misericordia, Venice, from 16 to 19 March 2018. Awarding of Venezia Art Expo certificate with criticism by EA Editore (see "criticism" section). Awarding of Premio Internazionale dei Dogi certificate to the artist Loris Bortolin for his artistic value.
Federica participates from 15 December 2018 to 15 March 2019 in the exhibition-competition organized by the art gallery "La Spadarina". Work exhibited: "The Fisherman and the Siren".