Laura Salvi - contemporary paintress

Laura Salvi sells paintings online

Laura Salvi

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Laura Salvi, born in Bologna, captured by color and its infinite variations, fascinated by the skies and the possibility of reflecting in them the real and the imaginary, dreams and feelings, decides to devote space, time and emotions to painting.

After an initial period as an autodidact, in 2003 he joined the group "the forge of colours" at the studio of Maestro Benito and, in this place full of suggestions and opportunities, explores the technique of oil painting, looking for more rigorous and personal expressiveness.

Also works at the painter Osvaldo Rodriguez faces a different pictorial mode and using the spatula.

In the sessions at the studio of the painter Sergio Vatta receives new stimuli that lead to use other materials (acrylic, oil/acrylic) and deepening the use with the palette knife technique.

Works at the painter Francesco Fontana in his Studio "painting"

He attended drawing classes and, at the high school of art in the Castello Sforzesco, figure from life.

The different experiences that teach you to speak with different methods, materials and tools, such as: oil, acrylic, sand, paint brushes, palette knife, paper, fingers and different emotional conditions, with reason and with sensitivity, are increasingly motivating and increase the curiosity and the desire to search.

Participates in various exhibitions and competitions and held two solo exhibitions at private homes.

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The paintings on sale of the contemporary paintress Laura Salvi

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