Luca Rinaldi - contemporary painter

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Luca Rinaldi

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Luca Rinaldi was born in Rome on 13/12/1987. He graduated in 2005 at the Art School "Giorgio de Chirico" - traditional course 2nd Section Architecture - Via Contardo Ferrini in Rome.

In 2006 he attended the supplementary course at the Art School "Giorgio de Chirico" in Rome.

He graduated in 2010 in the course of "Painting" (old regulation) at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome in Via di Ripetta, industry AFAM (Higher Artistic, Music and Dance) with a score of 110/110, discussing the thesis on "American Realism of the twentieth century" by which examines the issue of the urban scene of the first major US city and the painting technique used by the Royalists Americans to retract.

During the years of high school and the University deepens the study of art history, techniques of ancient painting, modern and contemporary applied particularly to the landscape and the human figure.

He studied Artistic Anatomy and Sculpture and Foundry techniques. Experience forms in the field of engraving.

Since 2011 he is part of the teaching staff of the School of Secondary I and II of the Ministry of Education (Ministry of Education, University and Research).

 - Admitted to Italian Painters Sculptors and Charts "APIA".

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He participated in 1998 at the 2nd edition of the painting exhibition "Art in School", organized by the Province of Rome.

Exposed in 2009: the "Quo Vadis Art" gallery in Rome in Via Appia Pignatelli, participating in the collective exhibition "From Caravaggio to Our Times watercolor".

It exposed in 2012: Event "Welcome to the market" at "Black Out Club" Via Casilina 713- Rome. 04/03/2012 day.

Exposed in 2013: 1st International Biennial of Art of Palermo. President of the Scientific Committee Paolo Levi, Artistic Director Sandro Serradifalco, Board of Directors Anna Francesca Biondolillo. Inaugurated by the art critic Vittorio Sgarbi. Exhibition venues of the Biennale Teatro Politeama; Villa Malfitano Whitaker; Loggia San Bartolomeo; Museo Civico di Monreale Sciortino. Inaugurated on 10.01.2013 Until 03.02.2013 - Palermo.

Exposed in 2015: Art Prize Arte Laguna 2015, finalist in the Painting section prize. Curator of the exhibition Igor Zanti, jury: Jonathan Watkins, Claudio Bertorelli, Roberto Zancan, Simone Frangi, Franck Gautherot, Chus Martinez, Bartholomew Pietromarchi, Domenico Quaranta, Veeranganakumari Solanki, Philippe van Cauteren. Exhibition venues: Nappe of the Arsenale of Venice; Virtual Art and Telecom Italy Future Digital Centre. Inaugurated on 21.03.2015 Until 04.05.2015 - Venice.

Exposed in 2016: Art Prize Arte Roma 2016, finalsta award.
side event "The Italian Pop Art in the Piazza del Popolo School".
Curator of the exhibition Amedeo Demitry, art critic Prof. Francesco Gallo Mazzeo. exhibition venue: the Domiziano.Inaugurata on 09/16/2016 Stadium Until 30/10/2016 - Rome.


Catalogue 1st International Biennial of Art of Palermo. Introduction by Paolo Levi, organizer premise Sandro Serradifalco. EA EDITOR-Palermo.

14:15 catalog Arte Laguna Prize. Introduction by the founders Laura Gallon and Beatrice Susa.

Art Catalogue 2016 Rome Prize.
Demitry Publisher.

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