Award Aphrodite III competition of Contemporary Art 2013 "The heart achemico". Catalog 2013 page 7.

The art of Aphrodite: the thrill of alchemy. Category Nigrescente ART. The perception of the artist Nigrescente is sensitive to vibration infrared to shortwave and images that show a psychic conflict with reality. The feelings of "heart alchemical" move in terms of imagination, looking for signs, colors, shapes can bring to the psyche a balance, or can arouse a flood of infinite sensations.

The art becomes a source of inner satisfaction, compensation derived from the unconscious psychic conflict, but also reveals an extraordinary capacity to acknowledge the latest, fashions and the "glory" that occurs periodically in the "spirit of the time" which shows a representation criticism of psychic reality, individual and collective.

The perception logic Nigrescente is a phenomenon deeply rooted in the personal unconscious, which aims to find the balance and the realization biopsicosomatico homeostasis.

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