Marcella Molea - Maestra contemporanea - Artisti emergenti


Born in Naples in August 68, since the early years of school has always been passionate about art and in particular design. After graduating in Pedagogy he enters the world of school as a teacher, but he never abandons his passion. Moved to Pozzuoli in 2000, totally self-taught, she began experimenting with the various techniques of painting up to the mixed one (oil and acrylic). Her style can not be enclosed in a single definition, because, for her, it is only the means to bring back on canvas her passions and emotions of the journey of a lifetime.

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He has participated in many collective and personal exhibitions and his works are present in a private collection on the web.
Some of his works were published in December 2017 in the magazine "UNIVERSI D'ARTE" No. 8, available both on the website of the publishing house and on AMAZON. Critics Plinio Perilli and Giorn.Aldo prof.Zolfino spoke about her. Certificate of insertion of the artist's works of art in the HISTORICAL ARCHIVE OF ITALIAN ART of the Maison d'Art Academic Center YEAR 2018 - 2019 FOR ARTISTIC MERITS.

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I quadri in vendita della maestra contemporanea Marcella Molea

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