The Artist Maria Vittoria Rosati was born in Rome in 1979. She has a passion for painting in oil on canvas.
She studied at the Art School "Antonino Calcagnadoro" in Rieti where she graduated in "Art of graphic design and photography.
She painted by self-taught since 2005 with the technique in oil on canvas various subjects including landscapes, flowers, still lifes, animals, portraits and reproductions.
The Artist Maria Vittoria Rosati exhibites her paintings in her personal Art Gallery in Montelibretti (Rome).
The oil paintings on canvas of the artist are published on the following volumes of contemporary Art:
- "Progetto Arte 2015 Maria Vittoria Rosati" author Alessandro Costanza, publisher youcanprint;
- "Progetto Arte 2014 Maria Vittoria e Francesca Rosati" author Alessandro Costanza, publisher youcanprint;
- Dictionary of the italians Artists 2015;
- volume "Maestri" selection of contemporary art - EA publisher;
- Effetto Arte, magazine directed by Paolo Levi;
- Volume "ITALIANI" - SELECTION OF CONTEMPORARY ART curated by Vittorio Sgarbi.