Mercedes Gutierrez Navarro - Mercedes Cas

C/Princes of Spain, 20- 38612-Tenerife

Tf: 646291625  

[email protected]

Education and training:

Course of drawing, painting and graphic design in private school DGPB, Barcelona 1985-1989

Other: self-taught

Individual exhibitions:

2000 -2008: Market Square, La Laguna, Tenerife.

2010-2015: Main Market in Mallorca: exhibition and painting.

2013 -2017:  Permanent Exhibition: Water Coffee El Médano, Tenerife

2014: Room Playroom: Town Hall of Barcelona The Clot

2010-2017: Alternative Markets

2010-2011: The Tower, Cap Negret, Ibiza

2017: Santana Art Gallery - Madrid. "Cervantes and Don Quixote are still riding"


2013-2017: permanent online exposure, sales throughout Europe and the US. Address: www/Facebook/mercedescasgitierrez