Mk - contemporary paintress

Mk sells paintings online


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Welcome to my little artistic corner. I'm MK, a self-taught artist.
When I was in my twenties, I was wandering around Neuchâtel when a paint shop caught my eye. I felt this call in the depths of my being. From then on, I went out with all the paraphernalia, without really knowing what to do with it.

My first experience was in front of this medium-sized canvas. The smell of the oil and the colours immediately struck a chord with me. I realised then that I was venturing into something I knew unconsciously.

My first paintings were given as gifts to family and friends.

Because of my professional activity in the medical field and a very active family life, with three children, I couldn't devote as much time as I would have liked to other arts and passions on a ‘sport-addicts’ basis.

Oil painting gives me this pleasure and inner joy. This sensitivity to the world, to people and to nature, is reflected in my paintings.

After this long break, I'm finally taking up this passion again.
There's one rule that's close to my heart. For each painting sold, part of the proceeds will go to a charity in connection with the theme of the painting.

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The paintings on sale of the contemporary paintress Mk

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