Monika Blanka Katterwe - contemporary paintress

Monika Blanka Katterwe sells paintings online

Monika Blanka Katterwe

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Monika has study mathematic, art, education and psychology at the University of Potsdam, the Humboldt University Berlin and at the Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig. In special intensive courses she extended her education in photographic fields at master photographer Rainer Jordan in Berlin.
Many years she works beside her studies as a teacher for arts and mathematics at various educational institution.
Since 2016 Monika Blanka Katterwe is working as an artistic-scientific photographer. The basic of her work are the various studies of the light by self, the theory of colors, the theory at space-time continuum and their philosophical levels.
Under using the Tyndall effect, Monika started with visualizing the light rays in different media. In observation to the interaction of light with crystals her attention was drawn to specifical connections which led to experiments with self-made photo plates. As result, the first representative photograph of this working was on display in Paris at GESTE 2018.
The question of the visual connections that Monika observing in reality led her to comparative considerations of human light perception and processing with that of insects. Since then, she is experimenting with different types of light and optical grids. The light in his body and characteristics offers her the extention of mind of photographic around additional scientific painterly spheres.
Monika characteristic of work is the visualizing her knowledge in form of photo paintings. At this form she is using the medium of photography as possibility for a global communication.
Since 2022 Monika present additional the STEM Community as Ambassador for the initiative “ STEM Create Future” and interact more closely with scientist especially from the Worker and Maker Space of the “Gewerbehof :Luckenwalde”. In this combination she makes a significant contribution to the development of the national STEM system toward the international trend of STE(A)M in which art is strongly integrated as overarching creative innovated modul. Since them she has developed her skills in using 3D modelling software and mashines for their mathematical based work as creator.
In 2024 she receive the honorable titel  “Ambassador of Art” for her artistic Value from the EFETTO ARTE FOUNDATION.

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The paintings on sale of the contemporary paintress Monika Blanka Katterwe

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