List my personal and collective exhibitions
1990 Palazzo Barberini, Roma
1991 Gadarte, Firenze
1992 Palazzo Comunale, Capena
1993 Palazzo del Turismo, Repubblica di San Marino
1994 Chiesa di San Michele di Serra dei Conti
1994 Rassegna d’Arte Contemporanea, Arezzo
1995 Gallery Louis, Roma, Personal Exhibition
1995 She receives Prize C.I.D.A.F.- Prize of Artistic Research
1996 Galleria RDF, Roma, Personal Exhibition
1997 European School of Economics, Roma, Personal Exhibition
1997 Spazio Arti Visive, Comune di San Cesareo
1997 She receives Prize for Painting Art Europe, Roma, Palazzo Barberini
1998 Exhibition Palazzo Colonna di Marino
1999 Antiquarium Comunale, Sezze
2001 Munixarte, Roma, Personal Exhibition
2002 Villa Doria Pamphili, Roma
2003 Linuxclub, Roma
2003 X° Municipio di Roma in collaboration with University Tor Vergata, Roma, Mostra Personale
2004 Sala del Bramante, Roma
2005, Associazione culturale Anticaja e Petrella, Roma.
2006 Libreria Odradek ‘Notte Bianca’, Roma, Personal Exhibition
2006 Valle dei Casali, Roma
2006 Her work is accepted at the exposition ‘Gli artisti europei si incontrano’ and her works exposed in Cascina Fasetti, Doria Pamphili Villa, Rome
2007 International artists conference Isola di San Servolo, Venezia
2007 Exhibition on human rights in collaboration with Municipio XI° e Amnesty International, Roma
2008 Artistic review in favor of the telethon, Theater Euclide, Roma, Personal Exhibition
2008 International Women's House , Roma
2008 Sala del Bramante, Roma
2008 Villa Doria Pamphili, Roma
2009 Villa Doria Pamphili, Roma
2009 Linuxclub,Roma
2009 Exhibition “Competition YICCA 2009”, Young International Contest of Contemporary Art.
2010 She is mentioned in the yearly report of Italian artists “ARTEPAGES”
2010 She receives the diploma of honor “Cento e più Artisti uniti nel mondo”, Galleria Comunale d’Arte Moderna di Cerreto Laziale (Roma)
2010: Rassegna “Arte in Toscana” dalla Macchia al Contemporaneo edizione 2010, Galleria D’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea Centro Arte Moderna di Pisa.
2010 february: she has participated “Proyecto Instalacion feminino Art-esencia”, “Donne: segreti e confidenze”, Barcelona.
2010 march: Personal Exhibition at Municipal Gallery of Modern Art, Cerreto Laziale (Roma)
29 may-5 june 2010: collective exhibitions Mura del Forte Michelangelo, Civitavecchia
June 2010 International Exhibition “Segunda Cruzada de Artistas 2010”, Buenos Aires, Argentina, in favor of the aboriginal civilization that lives in extreme poverty in northern Argentina
24 july-31 august 2010: International Exhibition MUSEO MAGMA Palazzo dei Congressi di Roccamonfina (Caserta, Italy)
11 december 2010-27 february 2011: PREMIO ARTE X 2011, FUCECCHIO (Firenze).
10-17 april 2011: Exhibition Palazzo Rospigliosi, Zagarolo (Roma)
17-23 june 2011: Exhibition honor to Pasolini, Quantum Leap Gallery, Roma
29-30 september 2011: Personal Exhibition, Palazzo Chigi (Sala Orsini), Formello (Roma)
10-25 march 2012: Exibition “The glass chilfren”, Palazzo Doria di Ciriè (Torino).
25 june-6 july 2012 – Dalla figurazione all’astrazione, collettiva presso la Galleria ROSSO CINABRO, Roma. The Gallery has followed the Artist in the promotion of his works.
2 july 2012 – Selection Prize Celeste 2012, Curatore Antonio Marras.
20-21 july2012 – Personal Exhibition presso Sala Orsini del Palazzo Chigi, Formello
21 december 2012- Mostra d’Arte contemporanea ‘Artisti in movimento’, Museo Civico di Bracciano - Chiostro degli agostiniani.
10- 31 january 2013 Exhibition MU.MA, GALATA MUSEO DEL MARE, Genova
29 march-18 april 2013: 1° edizione progetto Associazione Art&Ground, Galleria Via de Santis, Manziana, Roma
15 june – 5 july 2013, Exhibition 10 Artisti in Via de Santis, Manziana. diploma for its artistic and expressive skills
5 september, Manziana 2013 – Prize painting Competition ’10 Artisti in via De Sanctis’ from The International Association of Lions Club.
9 november 2013 – Exibition “I percorsi del gusto e dell’arte”, Residenza Farnese, Roma
13/20 december 2014- Exibition Complesso Monumentale dell'Abbazia greca di San Nilo, Grottaferrata, Roma.
21/28 december 2014 - mostra d'arte Identità e Imitazione, Manziana
15-18 may 2015 – International biennial Art and Culture, RomArt 2015
30 may-29 july 2015 – International biennial Art, Castelli Romani, Palazzo Ruspoli
1-6 september 2015 – Personal exhibition, Gallery “Il Laboratorio”, Roma
5-6 december 2015 – Exhibition “Fiamme d’identità”, Villa Clodia, Manziana
18-19-20 march 2016 – Exhibition “EuroExpoArt” , Romagna Fiere, Forlì
16-31 july 2016 – Exhibition Sala delle Armi, Palazzo Ruspoli, Nemi.
1995: Prize CIDAE art for research on the Arts, Rome,Barberini Palace, Rome
1997: Prize ‘Arte Europa per la pittura’, Barberini Palace, Rome.
2006: Her work is accepted as part of the exposition ‘Gli artisti europei si incontrano’ and her works are exposed in Cascina Fasetti, Doria Pamphili Villa, Rome
2013: Award as the most expressive painter for the 3rd edition of ’10 Artists in via de Sanctis’ in Manziana.
She is mentioned in the yearly report of Italian artists “ARTEPAGES”.
From June 2016 I am with my paintings in the auction house” Charitystars”
In the italian art magazine “ Biancoscuro Art Magazine”, giugno-luglio 2016.
1990 Palazzo Barberini, Roma
1991 Gadarte, Firenze
1992 Palazzo Comunale, Capena
1993 Palazzo del Turismo, Repubblica di San Marino
1994 Chiesa di San Michele di Serra dei Conti
1994 Rassegna d’Arte Contemporanea, Arezzo
1995 Gallery Louis, Roma, Personal Exhibition
1995 She receives Prize C.I.D.A.F.- Prize of Artistic Research
1996 Galleria RDF, Roma, Personal Exhibition
1997 European School of Economics, Roma, Personal Exhibition
1997 Spazio Arti Visive, Comune di San Cesareo
1997 She receives Prize for Painting Art Europe, Roma, Palazzo Barberini
1998 Exhibition Palazzo Colonna di Marino
1999 Antiquarium Comunale, Sezze
2001 Munixarte, Roma, Personal Exhibition
2002 Villa Doria Pamphili, Roma
2003 Linuxclub, Roma
2003 X° Municipio di Roma in collaboration with University Tor Vergata, Roma, Mostra Personale
2004 Sala del Bramante, Roma
2005, Associazione culturale Anticaja e Petrella, Roma.
2006 Libreria Odradek ‘Notte Bianca’, Roma, Personal Exhibition
2006 Valle dei Casali, Roma
2006 Her work is accepted at the exposition ‘Gli artisti europei si incontrano’ and her works exposed in Cascina Fasetti, Doria Pamphili Villa, Rome
2007 International artists conference Isola di San Servolo, Venezia
2007 Exhibition on human rights in collaboration with Municipio XI° e Amnesty International, Roma
2008 Artistic review in favor of the telethon, Theater Euclide, Roma, Personal Exhibition
2008 International Women's House , Roma
2008 Sala del Bramante, Roma
2008 Villa Doria Pamphili, Roma
2009 Villa Doria Pamphili, Roma
2009 Linuxclub,Roma
2009 Exhibition “Competition YICCA 2009”, Young International Contest of Contemporary Art.
2010 She is mentioned in the yearly report of Italian artists “ARTEPAGES”
2010 She receives the diploma of honor “Cento e più Artisti uniti nel mondo”, Galleria Comunale d’Arte Moderna di Cerreto Laziale (Roma)
2010: Rassegna “Arte in Toscana” dalla Macchia al Contemporaneo edizione 2010, Galleria D’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea Centro Arte Moderna di Pisa.
2010 february: she has participated “Proyecto Instalacion feminino Art-esencia”, “Donne: segreti e confidenze”, Barcelona.
2010 march: Personal Exhibition at Municipal Gallery of Modern Art, Cerreto Laziale (Roma)
29 may-5 june 2010: collective exhibitions Mura del Forte Michelangelo, Civitavecchia
June 2010 International Exhibition “Segunda Cruzada de Artistas 2010”, Buenos Aires, Argentina, in favor of the aboriginal civilization that lives in extreme poverty in northern Argentina
24 july-31 august 2010: International Exhibition MUSEO MAGMA Palazzo dei Congressi di Roccamonfina (Caserta, Italy)
11 december 2010-27 february 2011: PREMIO ARTE X 2011, FUCECCHIO (Firenze).
10-17 april 2011: Exhibition Palazzo Rospigliosi, Zagarolo (Roma)
17-23 june 2011: Exhibition honor to Pasolini, Quantum Leap Gallery, Roma
29-30 september 2011: Personal Exhibition, Palazzo Chigi (Sala Orsini), Formello (Roma)
10-25 march 2012: Exibition “The glass chilfren”, Palazzo Doria di Ciriè (Torino).
25 june-6 july 2012 – Dalla figurazione all’astrazione, collettiva presso la Galleria ROSSO CINABRO, Roma. The Gallery has followed the Artist in the promotion of his works.
2 july 2012 – Selection Prize Celeste 2012, Curatore Antonio Marras.
20-21 july2012 – Personal Exhibition presso Sala Orsini del Palazzo Chigi, Formello
21 december 2012- Mostra d’Arte contemporanea ‘Artisti in movimento’, Museo Civico di Bracciano - Chiostro degli agostiniani.
10- 31 january 2013 Exhibition MU.MA, GALATA MUSEO DEL MARE, Genova
29 march-18 april 2013: 1° edizione progetto Associazione Art&Ground, Galleria Via de Santis, Manziana, Roma
15 june – 5 july 2013, Exhibition 10 Artisti in Via de Santis, Manziana. diploma for its artistic and expressive skills
5 september, Manziana 2013 – Prize painting Competition ’10 Artisti in via De Sanctis’ from The International Association of Lions Club.
9 november 2013 – Exibition “I percorsi del gusto e dell’arte”, Residenza Farnese, Roma
13/20 december 2014- Exibition Complesso Monumentale dell'Abbazia greca di San Nilo, Grottaferrata, Roma.
21/28 december 2014 - mostra d'arte Identità e Imitazione, Manziana
15-18 may 2015 – International biennial Art and Culture, RomArt 2015
30 may-29 july 2015 – International biennial Art, Castelli Romani, Palazzo Ruspoli
1-6 september 2015 – Personal exhibition, Gallery “Il Laboratorio”, Roma
5-6 december 2015 – Exhibition “Fiamme d’identità”, Villa Clodia, Manziana
18-19-20 march 2016 – Exhibition “EuroExpoArt” , Romagna Fiere, Forlì
16-31 july 2016 – Exhibition Sala delle Armi, Palazzo Ruspoli, Nemi.
1995: Prize CIDAE art for research on the Arts, Rome,Barberini Palace, Rome
1997: Prize ‘Arte Europa per la pittura’, Barberini Palace, Rome.
2006: Her work is accepted as part of the exposition ‘Gli artisti europei si incontrano’ and her works are exposed in Cascina Fasetti, Doria Pamphili Villa, Rome
2013: Award as the most expressive painter for the 3rd edition of ’10 Artists in via de Sanctis’ in Manziana.
She is mentioned in the yearly report of Italian artists “ARTEPAGES”.
From June 2016 I am with my paintings in the auction house” Charitystars”
In the italian art magazine “ Biancoscuro Art Magazine”, giugno-luglio 2016.