Rbl - contemporary painter

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I was born in 1972 in a small country village of Salento, in Apulia. I have been "painting" for about 3 years, since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. I did not attend any school or art institute and that is perhaps why I do not have a well-defined artistic style, and honestly I do not even want to have one.

I like to paint and express my feelings and sensations without tying myself to any painting style or artistic genre. What I paint represents the real me, without rules or constraints from art teaching. If I see something I like, something that catches my attention like a painting, a sculpture, any object, I start to imagine how I can make it using different materials and colors, how to make it something unique and personal.

*Please do not consider it as a copy of someone else artwork. I think is been inspired by others and nothing wrong to make something similar but completely different. Art is full of copies of pictures with similar subjects. Even so, each artwork is unique and has something that makes it different, a small detail or even the imperfections make it unique.

I space from painting to collage, from wooden to stone creations, giving each one my own vision according to the mood and the moment.

Besides painting, I have made different objects, mostly lamps, using disused materials. I like to recycle objects found on the street or at the beach, especially on the beach and try to give them another meaning and value they have lost. It is nice to give back new "light" to objects that for many are useless and superfluous, but put together they become functional and beautiful again.

Welcome to my world.

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  • On Tour London X-mas edition at "The Crypt Gallery" Euston road, London, from 17 to 21 December 2022
  • Artworks exhibited at the "Galleria Merlino" in Florence
  • "Irene Hamilton Gallery" in Cannes from 5 to 10 September 2023
  • "V Biennale Internazionale d'Arte Contemporanea della VERSILIA" from 28 September to 3 October 2023
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