Roberto Fondelli - contemporary painter

Roberto Fondelli sells paintings online

Roberto Fondelli

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"Don't ask what my technique or style is; I can't answer you. I paint for passion: The subjects of my paintings are "Moods", "Sensations", "Needs". With painting I seek Peace, Harmony, Beauty, Serenity, certainties of the future, freedom of space, respect for others, social justice: all aspirations of the Human Race, in this dark time. Yes, I believe that "Artist" is not for how much he can emerge individually, but for how much he knows how to express and interpret the "Spirit of his time" and the social context in which he lives.""

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Born in the wooded hills of Montalcino in 1956, I drew the desire to paint from the surrounding nature, its colors and shapes. I have kept within me this expressive desire, in long decades dedicated to something else and with little time to "put color on white". I must say that during high school I had an excellent teacher of "Drawing and History of Art": Maestro Gianfaldoni of Volterra.  In 2014, after small pictorial parenthesis over a period of forty years, I decided to dedicate myself continuously: in 4 months I created 45 pictorial works and in March 2015 I realized my first exhibition in Poggibonsi: "Round trip, a journey through Time and Space". In the same year I created a personal exhibition inside the walls of Monteriggioni.  In 2017 I held a second exhibition in Poggibonsi, together with the Master painter and sculptor Reza OLIA: "Looking for PEACE". Between 2016 and 2021 I participate in various group exhibitions. In 2021 I received the fifth prize at the exhibition "Sergio Manzi International Painting Award", with the presence of the French artist Alain Bonnefoit.

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The paintings on sale of the contemporary painter Roberto Fondelli

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