Scarlat - Maestra contemporanea - Artisti affermati


I am born on 14.04.1955 in Bolzano and I lived in Vipiteno until I was twenty. In 1975 I moved permanently to Garda (VR) on Garda Lake. My father was a photographer and I learn to him the art of recognizing the strength of the colors, expressions and emotions of a beautiful image.

As a teenager I devoted to oil painting, to then completely abandon my passion.

From 2013 to 2019 I attended the courses of the “Garda Arte” School and participated in the group exhibitions organized by the School.

Largely self-taught, I got always been interested in the art and the curiosity pushes me continually to experiment new techniques. My works are always evolving and never static on a unique theme. I space in various typology, depending on my mood and instinct of the moment. The creative abstract or the conceptual abstract tend to be my favorite way where my instinct finds its outlet. I often work without a plan and see where takes me the brush or whatever tool I decide to use. My mind tells me: "Just do it".

I live and work in Albisano of Torri del Benaco. Don't worry, ring the bell, my house is always open and a glass of prosecco is always ready! Just do it!!!

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  • 03/12/2022 - 24/12/2022: Exhibition of the work "EXPLOSION" at the Exhibition of Contemporary Art "NATALE IN ARTE BOLOGNA 2022", IAT Italian Art Tuoch Gallery - Bologna
  • 03/12/2022 - 18/12/2022: Exhibition of the work "CONTEMPORARY PEOPLE" at the "V° REVIEW OF CONTEMPORARY ART" on free theme, Rivalta sul Mincio - MN
  • 07/03/2022 – 07/03/2023: 3 certificates of achieved LEADER ARTIST level in Italy, Veneto and Verona 1st on Google by PitturiAmo   

        • 2021/22 December - 2022-6 January: Exhibition of the work "GENESI" at the 4th Free-                  themed Contemporary Art Review, Rivalta sul Mincio MN.

  • 2021 December 28: Participation in the online auction n.16 Selection Modern and Contemporary Art of GIGARTE Viareggio with the work "UPSIDE DOWN CITY" and inclusion in the Official Catalog of Modern and Contemporary Art.

        • 2021: Publication in the Catalog "Invest in Contemporary Art" Volume II, promoted by                   the  gallery owner Luigi Bianchi of Galleria Italia – Parma. Double page pubblication of 6               works: The Escape - At the time of the Coronavirus - Neverland – Morfeo and the            Wayfarer - Gradisca - Hands.

  • 2021 November: exhibition of the work "COUNTDOWN" at the “One Collective for Luisa Moncada” at the Pitturiamo Gallery in Caltanisetta and certificate of exposure.
  • 2021 November: exhibition of the work "COUNTDOWN" at the exhibition of Contemporary Art “Masters from New York to Caltanisetta” and certificate of exposure.

        • 2021: Video Exhibition from 27 August to 05 October 2021 of the work "GRADISCA" for the            Italian Artists Award, by all the 13 exhibition locations throughout Italy. Plaque and                            Certificate of recognition. Publication on the official catalog.

        • 2021: Video Exhibition from August 31 to September 3, 2021 of the work "COUNTDOWN"            by  the WHITE SPACE CHELSEA GALLERY, Manhattan, NEW YORK. Date updated due to                  Covid. Plaque and Certificate of recognition.

        • 2020: Exhibition from 21 December 2020 to January 6 2021 of the work "TANGUEROS" at              the 3rd Contemporary Art Review "Art contaminated by coronavirus" by RIVALTA SUL           MINCIO MANTUA. Certificate of recognition.

        • 2020: Video Exhibition from Novembre 20 to November 27, 2020 of the work “AL TEMPO            DEL CORONAVIRUS” by the PINTÉR GALLERY in BUDAPEST. Publication on ART NOW nr V             of Sept-Oct full page. Plaque and Certificate of recognition.

       • 2020: Video Exhibition from September 12 to 18, 2020 of the work "MORFEO ED IL         VIANDANTE" by the Giuseppe Sciortino Modern Art Civic Museum in MONREALE, Sicily, in         conjunction with the International Biennial of Normans Contemporary Art. Publication on         ART NOW nr IV of Jul-Aug full page. Plaque and certificate recognition.

       •  2020: Auction House GIGARTE: Participation in the auction # 9 of “Modern and         Contemporary Art” and Publication of the work "QUANT' ORO FU BELLO" on the complete         Catalog of November 05, 2020.

       • 2020: Publication on ART NOW nr II of March / April full page of the work "LA FUGA".         ARTIST OF AVANT-GARDE plaque and certificate recognition under the supervision of the         famous Critic Art Vittorio Sgarbi - artistic director Sandro Serradifalco.

       • 2020: Update of the “Evaluation Coefficient Certificate” jussed by the Art Critic Franco         Bulfarini. Shipping upon request. Editorial on PITTURIAMO MAGAZINE.

       • 2019: Exhibition of the work "COUNTDOWN" from December 28 2020 to 06 January 06         2021 at the 1st Maria Luigia Prize by the ITALIA GALLERY in PARMA. Recognition Certificate.

       • 2019: Publication on ART NOW nr VI of November/ December full page of the work         "COUNTDOWN".

       • 2019: Exhibition of the work "SAX" from December 21 2019 to January 06 2020 by the 2nd         Contemporary Art Exhibition in RIVALTA SUL MINCIO- MANTUA. Recognition Certificate.

       • 2019: Exhibition with the work “GRADISCA” at the Collective Exhibition by La Fabbrica del         Vapore – MILAN.

       • 2019: Publication of the works "HANDS” and “GRADISCA" in the volume 03.19 "120         PAINTINGS AND FEW MORE" by the Italian network of contemporary painters         “PITTURIAMO”.

       • 2019: Evaluation Coefficient Certificate jussed by the Art Critic Franco Bulfarini. Editorial         on PITTURIAMO MAGAZINE. Shipping upon request.

       • 2018: Online the WEBSITE of Carla Thaler Sabaini aka "Scarlat", Contemporary artist.

       • 2018: Interview in the LIVE SOCIAL program schedule on Radio Verona 103-103.9 in         Verona.

       • 2018: Publication of the work "UPSIDE DOWN CITY" in the article "Fascinating         asymmetries" of the Magazine “IO GIOCO” n.6 of August 24, 2018 page 21.

       • 2018: Exhibition of the works "HANDS - GRADISCA - SOFT DESERT" from April 20 to April         26 at the "NAKED COLLECTIVE” by AREA CONTESA ARTE GALLERY in ROME – Via Margutta –         the way of artists.

2014/19: Participation on the Annual Collective Exhibitions organized by the “Garda Art School” by Palazzo Carlotti and Palazzo dei Congressi in Garda.

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