Valentina Lazdina - contemporary paintress

Valentina  Lazdina  sells paintings online

Valentina Lazdina

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I started to paint in 2019 after finishing my professional career in IT.

Before 2019 I could not imagine that I would start to paint , but I always liked to visit the art galleries and exhibitions during my trips around the Europe .

I like the artworks of impressionists and each time when I was in Paris I visited the museum D'Orsay .

Now under influence of the impressionists I like to show the reflection of the light on the subjects.

When I stopped to go to the office and had enough time to do what I like the idea to paint appeared in my head unconsciously.

I found a lot of information for the beginners  in the Internet .

The first time I used gouache, later when I felt  more confident , I started to use oil .

I visited the private courses organised by a professional painter .

Unfortunately the courses were closed due to Covid spread around the world.

But half a year course has given me a lot for my development.

During the pandemic I painted a lot and developed my skills as a painter.

Now I continue learning the different drawing techniques looking at the paintings of my lovely artists, such as Claude Monet and other impressionists, Russian marine artist Aivazovsky.

I am happy that I have possibility to do what I love and express my feelings and thoughts in my paintings.

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2022 Luxembourg Art Prize. Certificate Of Artistic Achievement Luxembourg, Luxembourg

2023 Luxembourg Art Prize. Certificate Of Artistic Achievement. Luxembourg, Luxembourg

2024 International Contemporary Art Award Top Selection New York Promoted By Pitturiamo From 29 July To 04 August New York, United States

2024 International Contemporary Art Award Top Selection Paris Promoted By Pitturiamo From 27 April To 09 May 2024 Paris, France

2024 Four Elements exhibition.organised by Barbagelata Foundation from 15 August to 31 August

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The paintings on sale of the contemporary paintress Valentina Lazdina

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