Andrea Costa's scream: "Neither a man nor a penny!"

by Luca Federici

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Andrea Costa's scream: "Neither a man nor a penny!"

Painted by the impressionist painter Edgar Degas.

The famous sentence was pronounced by Andrea Costa, the first socialist deputy, in the parliamentary debate following the Dogali massacre in Eritrea (January 26, 1887), where almost 500 Italian soldiers were exterminated in the clash with the Ethiopian army led by Ras Alula Engida. Following the heavy defeat, the government led by Depretis fell, but not the attempts at colonial expansion, in fact the next government, which had Crispi (a former Garibaldian) as president of the Council, was voted by a large majority to continue the policy of colonial expansion in Africa (May 12, 1888). Naturally, taxes were raised for all Italian citizens to finance colonial expeditions.

Many years have passed since then, our Constitution in art. 11 is clear: "Italy repudiates war as an instrument of offense to the freedom of other peoples and as a means of settling international disputes". However there is always some valid reason to always be engaged in some conflict in the world, yesterday Iraq and Afghanistan today alongside Ukraine against Russia (aggressor country); the conflict started more than a year ago and the end is not in sight, indeed the only certain thing, which everyone can observe, is the escalation of the conflict: a few days ago the news came that Ukraine was supplied of cluster bombs, despite the fact that they are prohibited by a United Nations convention. Meanwhile, today as yesterday, to support the conflict, the population pays for the increase in the prices of energy and raw materials, partly due to supply problems and partly to the proliferation of large and small speculators, who in this situation increase prices unjustifiably.

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