Arctic Gate

by Noui

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The path to legends.

Self made Charcoal on paper 50 x 65cm x 0.4cm, signature in gold acrylique.

The artwork represents the gateway to the Arctic and highlights the importance of the human being as the key to unlocking the alternative world closer to nature. Here, the human figure is depicted as a young girl, likely indigenous.

She embodies our primal soul, still connected to nature. She is on a quest to find the northern lights, which at this stage exist only as a sound, a melody.

The portal, symbolizing the passage to another world, is composed of three primary elements: Water, represented by a whale; Air, symbolized by an eagle; and Earth, embodied by a reindeer. The young girl brings Fire, which activates the portal and opens the path to this breathtaking Nordic landscape, thus releasing a fifth element: magnetic energy, represented by the northern lights winding in the distance, as if freed by this new creative energy.

Within these northern lights dwell figures; one can discern spirit-like entities and even a city reminiscent of Valhalla, the paradise of the Vikings. The serpent encircling the portal, a motif familiar to ancient civilizations and the Vikings, represents both destruction and creation, embodying the antiquity of this gateway and its role as a passage to renewal.


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