Enchanted wood

by Federica E Loris

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A landscape so pure and magical that it seems populated by... fairies and elves! Who knows where they will hide! Taken from a painting by an unknown artist.

The painting continues on the sides of the canvas, in order to make the frame optional.

Here is the opinion of the art critic Antonio Castellana (May 2017): "The work evokes a splendid page dedicated to nature, an enchanted, magical nature that has something fairy about it. Loris enchants us with a fascinating show that, although real, arouses a sort of amazement in the viewer, a surprise that, according to the author, can keep the encounter with fairy-tale characters such as to arouse our curiosity. His work is also enriched with refined traits and traces to better tell that fantastic world facing to nature."

Work included in the limited edition personalized art catalog by EA Editore (November 2017).


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1 parere dei tutor

  1. Antonio Castellana
    May 21, 2017, 4:32:07 PM

    L'opera rievoca una splendida pagina dedicata alla natura, una natura incantata, magica che ha qualcosa di fatato. Federica E Loris ci incanta con uno spettacolo affascinante che seppur reale suscita nello spettatore una sorta di stupore, sorpresa che a detta dell'autrice può serbare l'incontro con personaggi fiabeschi e fatati tali da destare la nostra curiosità. La sua opera inoltre si arricchisce di tratti e tracce raffinati per meglio raccontare quel fantastico mondo rivolto alla natura.


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